
مسلسل الثروة Servet 2018 مترجم

مسلسل الدراما الرومانسي التركي Servet 2018 مترجم للعربية

تاريخ الإضافة : السبت 14 04 2018 - 02:32 مساءً اخر تحديث : السبت 05 05 2018 - 02:10 مساءً
مسلسل الثروة Servet 2018 مترجم
مسلسل الثروة Servet 2018 مترجم : يتحدث مسلسل “الثروة” عن “فرح” وهي فتاة فقيرة لكنها فى الواقع ابنة عائلة غنية ، قبل سنين جدها “قدرت” أعطي أمر لقتل أمها التى وجدها مع عدوه، جدها على فراش الموت يعطي أبنه المعنوي “كرم” مهمة العثور على حفيدته ليقع فى حبها، إبن قدرت الحقيقي “ينار” الوريث الأكبر عند علمه أن له شريكة فى الثروة يقرر قتلها.

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Servet 2018,مسلسل الثروة,تركيا,رومانسي
  • سنة الانتاج : 2018
  • اللغة: التركية
  • الترجمة: العربية
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The only thing that can be called real fortune in the world where everybody's fortune is pursuing is; A story about love. Ferah Feza was one of the thousands of young people who had to fill the age of 18 every year and have to leave their dorm. But there was an important difference from the others, she was not alone. She had a great family, yet she did not even know it, and she was so rich she could not even imagine. Can Yigit was 29 years old. Just like Ferah, he had lost his parents. He grew up like a child, but under the wings of an important business man around the country, he was able to do whatever he wanted, no matter what his son was like. In this age there was a man and money that no one could easily have, and this great family ruled. Can and Ferah stayed in the middle of a fight made for a huge fortune that can not be shared.
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